Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Brain soup

I have nothing witty nor interesting to say. My apologies for blogging for the sake of blogging.

Nothing terribly new and exciting going on- just a lot of status quo bullshit. Hebrew still sucks, although I have recently deciding that intimidating other people in the class by snapping at them is a worthwhile and productive hobby. I may be mean, but at least they don't talk to me anymore. Small talk in one's native language is bad enough, thanks. Come to think about it, the misery that is Hebrew has cost me $16,000. Sixteen thousand motherfucking dollars to listen to some woman with sagging skin and kankles tell me that no, that is NOT the word for afternoon and why didn't I spend more time studying? Talk about a horrid revelation. I could have spent that money on so many better things! Vacations! 1.6 million rides on the penny-horse at the supermarket! Prostitutes! Oh, the possibilities...

I have to make a confession: I have been lying a lot lately. Telling more than just harmless white lies, to be specific. Most of it still lingers in the realm of harmless and ancillary, but nevertheless, I seem to have trouble producing true statements. For example, while filming in a place I should not have been, I told numerous people that I had permission to be there (I did not, nor will I ever). When asked if I would be willing to help with a friend's project, I replied, with great enthusiasm, that I would love nothing more (actually, I would love nothing more than to avoid helping). I lied about other things, too, but I don't want to get too specific. Anyway, I don't know what's going on. Sorry if I lied to you. I mean, I doubt you know whether or not it was a lie, but just in case, I'm very sorry.*

I should just quit dicking around and go do my homework. This was a completely worthless entry, a convergence of meaningless words aimed at entertaining the masses that read this (read: My mother and Sam Stone). Hearts and such. I will do better next time, I promise.

*That was a lie. I am not, in fact, sorry.