Sunday, November 25, 2007

I am typing this from my bed, as I still don't have a desk. Frugality plus laziness equals computer on my lap and a bed full of crumbs (oh yeah, I don't have a kitchen table or a couch, either). Anyway, I just looked across the alley and saw straight into another apartment's living room. They have a couch. And they are sitting on it. Which means they spend time in that room. Which means they have seen me in various states of naked. Which makes me both happy and slightly embarrassed.

I watched one of my least favorite shows while eating dinner on my tabledeskbed tonight. It's that one where they make over the houses of people who have endured some sort of trauma. I cried like a little bitch, as I am unmedicated and pms-ing. Damn you, family entertainment for tugging on my heart strings. Damn you, ice heart, for melting a little. Sometimes, the show is a little too Jesus-y for my taste. A hot carpenter leads his minions in the construction of a new shelter, whose inhabitants promise to spread the good word about charity. Ring ANY bells? Still, I suppose it's nice to see something that encourages faith in humanity's benevolence and the goodwill of others. I can't watch more than once a month, though. I cry too much and being dehydrated is annoying.

Friday, November 23, 2007

I am thinking of legally changing my name to Debbie Downer. Whenever I say or do anything, all I hear is that "womp wooomp" sound from the SNL skit. I can't break free from my past, and it is most certainly killing my desire to be in the present and furthermore, to create a future. On that note, I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving and enjoyed themselves and actually GAVE thanks for their life.


Sunday, November 18, 2007


I am a big fan of lists these days, mainly because:

1. I am lazy
2. They are easy to read
3. They are exactly how I would like my life to be - lovely things with no bullshit in between.

Hence, I present to you a multitude of lists for your personal edification and enjoyment.

Things in my life right now that I enjoy and think everyone else should indulge in:
1. Christmas/holiday spirit
2. 30 Rock, Arrested Development's bastard child.
3. Good Earth tea

Things I would like to have in my life right now, but appear to have left me forever:
1. The pinky toenail on my left foot
2. Good luck
3. Anything resembling a dating life

Things that are out of my life and should stay that way:
1. Mice/creatures on my bed and in my living space/Chinatown
2. Split ends
3. Seafood

Last three things I looked up on Wikipedia:
1. Neuroblastoma
2. Iron Chef America
3. Pineapple