Thursday, June 22, 2006

Baby daddies and Paint

Day 12 of our Construction Bonanza, and I am ready for the workers to vacate the premises for good. I don't care if my kitchen is sans one ceiling. Leave already! They have been messing with the plumbing, the electricity, and there is a fine layer of dust on everything I own, including my dog. I came home the other day and my bathroom had no water pressure. I asked the guy to clean the faucet, and he did...on his shorts. Now, I drink water from that faucet. If I wanted to ingest liquid that had come into contact with his crotch, I would have used his boxers as a coffee filter. The very worst part is that they don't show up for work until roughly 4 p.m. Then, they stay until midnight, leaving me to fall asleep to the lovely sounds of two adult men belting out "Paradise City" in an awkward falsetto while hammering up drywall and crushing Mountain Dew cans with their boots. I am throwing a party the day they finish (which appears to be in the very distant future).

And don't forget: K.Fed says to save your pennies. Do it.

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