Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It was awkward for everyone.

Happy Election Day!

Nothing says "I am an American" quite like waiting in line at the polls for hours, only to be turned away before voting due to machine malfunctions. I do so enjoy the novelty of democracy.

Today was my first appointment with the school shrink. I'm not going to lie-he kind of weirds me out. First of all, his office is stuffed in the basement office of a residence hall, accessible only by way of a maze of hallways. Once I finally found his fluorescent talk-box, waiting for me was a man with one of the most oddly-shaped heads I have ever seen. It had strange divits, similar in both size and shape to a golf ball. I tried to pay attention to the words coming out of his mouth, but I could not help but spend our session staring at his head.

Shrinky: "Social issues blah blah mother doesn't love you blah blah..."
Me: (stares at head in awkward silence)

Speaking of heads, perched on his shelf was the most extensive bobblehead collection I have ever laid eyes on.* Baseball players, basketball players, all arranged in neat little rows (next to an unframed diploma I'm pretty sure he received from www.getyourdegree.com). I must say, it is quite difficult to discuss depression and anxiety with Derek Jeter just nodding away.

I told the head doc (get it?!) I would visit again next week, and boy, I can't wait. Maybe A-Rod will nod in agreement next time. I'd hate to think Derek is the only one listening.

*Man with the weird head has a bobblehead collection?

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