Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I am currently in a very serious relationship...

With my computer.

I spend hours on end with it, because, well...it's my job. I get paid to sit in front of my computer and push buttons. A chimp could do what I do (and would probably do a better job). But alas, the responsibility is all mine. I don't even have to wear pants!* Anyway, I always keep a window open on my desktop for aimless browsing. Lately, said browsing has been enabled by the "Random Article" link on Wikipedia. Did you know that Smokie Norful won a Grammy for "Best Contemporary Soul Gospel" album in 2005? Neither did I. My point is, you can learn a lot through random browsing, and I highly encourage you to take these little adventures. I learned all about macaroni and cheese ("mak and cheese" in Germany) just by clicking "Random Article." Do it! You won't be disappointed!

*They are constricting. Plus, my favorite pair is completely worn out in the pockets, crotch, and butt, so I try to limit their on-leg time.

1 comment:

Mandykins said...

Ariella, we need to get you some new pants...it is time. You like my jeans right? They are sooo comfy!! Old Navy, my friend-in black, gray, or jean! And I think you would look great in a skinny jean...what do you say? eh? eh?